Austin Hansel - IFSC Youth World Championships Climber

It's not the Olympics, but it's just as important to local Ogden climber, Austin Hansel, who qualified for the IFSC World Youth Championships in New Caledonia. We've been following Austin for the last couple years and his growth in the sport of bouldering and speed climbing is not just respectful, but darn right crazy inspirational. He's only been climbing 4 years and he's qualified for World's!! Congrat's Austin! 

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Ogden Outdoor Adventure Show 174 - Weber Pathways Trail Mixer

Access to miles of scenic well-kept trails minutes from downtown Ogden takes a team of dedicated individuals to maintain. Weber Pathways is a non-profit organization dedicated to planning, promoting, constructing and protecting Weber County non-motorized trails.

We are committed to the idea that non-motorized network of public pathways significantly contribute to our community’s economic vitality and quality of life. -

Clinking of glasses and the pitter-patter of late summer rain welcomed this year's annual Weber Pathways Trail Mixer at Snowbasin Resort. Attendees were greeted by Weber State Cheerleaders doing stunts in exchange for raffle tickets, tables of outdoor gear for the live and silent auctions, and live music. The fundraiser sold out raising a significant amount of money to help build and maintain local trails.

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