Ogden Arts and Adventure Show 50 - Running 4 100-Mile Races in One Summer vs. Weekend Warrior

Ogden Arts & Adventure Show 50 - Running 4 100-Mile Races in One Summer vs. Weekend Warrior

Tara Warren, in a quest to bring awareness to the deadly disease ALS, is running four one-hundred mile races in the Rocky Mountains in one summer. Chase Moffett is a weekend warrior who is a champion for everyone with a traditional 9-5, but still loves getting outdoors and shares tips, adventure, and gear reviews on his channel  @AverageJoesOutdoor 

Where Arts & Adventure summits the airwaves, this is the Ogden Arts & Adventure Show!! R. Brandon Long and Todd Oberndorfer are your hosts for the greatest arts & adventure podcast in all the land.



Chase Moffett // Average Joes Outdoors: https://www.youtube.com/@AverageJoesOutdoor/videos

Tara Warren // Ultrarunner / Rocky Mountain Slam supporting ALS: als.org/runwithtara

Rocky Mountain Slam

Bighorn 100

Hardrock 100

Wasatch 100

Bear 100





Thank you to BANYAN1 for powering today’s Episode of the Ogden Arts & Adventure Show! Listen and Subscribe to Ogden Arts & Adventure on YouTube! Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, thebanyancollective.com, and on the Podbean App for Android & iPhones.

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OUTDOOR JUKEBOX: “I Want It All,” Alli Brown

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