James Atkin & Hank Howell - GOAL ZERO

Todd to the Top in front of a wall of inspiration in GOAL ZERO HQ.

We drove #TanVan's shiny new wheels south of, well everything, to Bluffdale, Utah, home of one of our favorite Utah grown companies, GOAL ZERO.

Founded on three pillars: Zero Apathy (We Care), Zero Boundaries (We Explore), and Zero Regrets (We Risk), GOAL ZERO is leading the portable solar industry inspiring all of us to live the Solar Life. 

James Atkin, Director of Brand Marketing and Hank Howell, Senior Industrial Designer for GOAL ZERO, sat down with us in the Tan Van for an in-depth chat about the company's inauspicious beginning, humanitarian roots, quality ambassadors, product and innovation, and their new marketing campaign #officeanywhere.

WE'RE EXPECTED TO BE IN THE OFFICE 260 TIMES A YEAR FOR OVER 2,000 HOURS. We commute. We conference call. We answer emails and make small talk. The concept of gathering to collaborate in an office environment still has merit, but we can now move beyond the walls and still get the job done.

We used the Sherpa 50 to push our board and multiple mic's as we do every week to record our on-location podcasts. It's amazing how such a small device can hold, store, and deliver energy for hours. Take advantage of their onsite store in Bluffdale where they sell new and refurbished GOAL ZERO products. We couldn't pass up on the refurb Light-A-Life LED's and picked up four. Now geeking out and using them indoors and in the van, just because. 

Editing the podcast with the GOAL ZERO Sherpa 50 and a Light-A-Life, just because. 

It was awesome hanging out with the GOAL ZERO crew, touring HQ, and the incredibly large warehouse. Hank showed us some behind the scenes, super secret prototypes we wish we could tell you about. Let's just say, GZ is lightyears ahead of their competition and we can't wait until they debut upcoming gear!

Thank you to GOAL ZERO for joining us on the OOA Show, and for making products beholden to a commendable company mission to make a difference in the lives of people everywhere.  


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