Through The Pines Ep. 9 - Holy 50s Batman! // How to Structure Finances in Your Fifties

Through The Pines Ep. 9 - Holy 50s Batman! // How to Structure Finances in Your Fifties

How to Structure Finances in Your Fifties - retirement, marriage, timeline, etc. 

On this episode of Through the Pines, our financial planning wizards Rex Baxter, Brandyn Smith, and Dan Nelsen join us to discuss all the financial considerations when you're in your Fifties. 


What should you be focused on? We answer the following questions:

  • When deciding on Roth or Traditional contributions, do the recommendations change when I get close to retirement?

  • Somebody said there is a “Age 55” Rule…. What is that?

  • Why am I allowed to move my 401k to an IRA at 59.5?

  • How concerned should I be of a market crash?

  • Can I plan on Social Security?

  • Is it too late or too early to start planning for my retirement at 50?

  • Do I need life insurance?

  • What should be the mix of assets going forward ? stocks, bonds, cash, alts, real estate, commodities, life insurance, bitcoin?

  • Should I contribute to my 401k? --- what about company match? How important is that?

  • I’m 59 and In Love, Should I get married this year?

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