Ogden Outdoor Adventure Show 263 - Epic Dump

Laying fresh tracks through Wheeler Creek Canyon.

Hope everyone had a stellar Christmas break with friends and family. As we all know, it's been dumping in Utah, and this Winter has been a dream for resorts, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, skate-skiing, and, well, I even saw a pic circulating Facebook of a dogsled team mushing through downtown Ogden - love it!

Here's our first Ogden Outdoor Adventure Show of 2017. I would like to personally thank everyone who listens. We do this for fun and because we love it. Our hope is that we can give you some additional information and inspiration to get out and adventure in and around Ogden. 

If you have events, news, adventure stories, or would like to be a guest on the show, please tweet us @ogdenadventure, or email me: brandon@thebanyancollective.com. 

Enjoy the show, and we're stoked to bring you the OOA Show for another year. Cheers!


Zum neuen Jahr servieren wir Dir ein motivierendes Sahnstückchen aus dem Café Kraft Media House über die coolste Bouldergang, die bei uns ein und ausgeht: Über 300 Lebensjahre versammeln Blondie, Rudi, Horst und Herwig und die Leidenschaft fürs Klettern ist ungebrochen. Für uns sind diese Jungs echte Vorbilder, gewiß nicht nur in klettertechnischer Hinsicht. Denn ganz offenbar haben sie sich ihre Lebenslust bis ins hohe Alter bewahrt. Das mâge uns allen so beschieden sein! Auf ein schânes 2017: Do what you love and love what you. Happy new year! For the new year 2017 we serve this motivating gem out of our Café Kraft Media House today. It's about the coolest boulder group that ever entered our gym: Blondie, Rudi, Horst and Herwig gather over 300 years of life and their passion for climbing is unbroken. These guys are real idols for us. They preserved their love not only for climbing, but for life in general. May it be the same for all of us. Have a great 2017: Do what you love and love what you. Happy new year!

Avalanche Conditions 1.7 Moderate - https://utahavalanchecenter.org/



Hands in the air on the photogenic bridge to Icebox Canyon

http://www.epictv.com Today is our final Top 3 countdown and it's all about terrifying looking solos. From Alex Honnold climbing a sweaty Irish wall to thin icy waterfalls, you're going to get sweaty hands watching these.

A salmon in Alaska makes an unlikely journey on "the Mount Everest of rivers" - the Susitna - as residents consider the costs/benefits of a government-proposed mega-dam. Produced and directed by Ryan Peterson www.AlaskanistStories.com In partnership with www.SusitnaRiverCoalition.org With support from www.patagonia.com Photography by Ryan Peterson, Travis Rummel, Joshua Foreman, Killian & Riley Sump, Anson Fogel Animation by http://www.DrewChristie.com Motion Graphics by https://www.BarryThompson.net



TRIP REPORT - Wheeler/Icebox Snowshoe in Photos

SKILLS SESSION - A Beginner’s Guide to Snowshoeing in Northern Utah


β€œBelieve me, you never want to experience that feeling of regret when you don’t acknowledge that life is fleeting and precious. I never want to feel that again! It may be cliche but life is sweet. Everyday you don’t follow your dream you lose another precious day. Don’t let it slip away. LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH PASSION

- Pat Parkinson

Thank you to GOAL ZERO for powering today’s 263th Episode of the Ogden Outdoor Adventure Show! Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, thebanyancollective.com, and on the Podbean App for Android & iPhones.

Chat with us on Twitter @OgdenAdventure or @BanyanPodcast


"Rivers and Roads", the fifth song in their self titled debut album. 2010. Go check these guys out live, honestly. Their recordings do them no justice, particularly to the female vocalist's sultry, emotional tone. They're down to earth and display more enthusiasm than I've seen from some huge number bands.

As John Muir would say, β€œThe Mountains are calling and we must go…”

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